10 Hassle Free Ways to Conserve Energy

Joanna Marie O. Santos
June 20, 2022

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With all the recent price increases, we are all looking for ways to spend our hard-earned money wisely. Taking little steps to live more thoughtfully can have a significant financial impact.


One of the many ways is to begin with energy saving at home, and you’d be surprised to learn that conserving energy does not have to be difficult. You don't need to wash your clothes by hand or sit in the dark to live a more sustainable and ecologically friendly lifestyle.

  Read on to know the hassle-free ways to help you save energy.  

Invest in energy-efficient appliances for the home


The aging appliances in your home will need to be replaced at some point. At that point, you have the option to make minor adjustments that can help you conserve energy in your house. One simple approach to do so is to replace outdated appliances with new ones that are labeled as energy-efficient.


It's crucial because discovering a new one that consumes even a little less energy will have a consistent and long-term advantage.


Use an App to Track Energy Usage


You can figure out which appliances are using much of your energy cost and why by keeping track of your consumption. You may therefore save money by turning off appliances that aren't in use. For example, light bulbs in vacant rooms, air conditioners running while no one is home, TVs on when no one is viewing, and other similar situations.


A smart AC controller can help you keep track of your AC consumption history. To track and control your energy consumption trends, the app offers you a chronology of actions and usage history.


Replace your light bulbs with LED lamps


Traditional incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy and need to be replaced more frequently than their energy-efficient counterparts. To save energy, switch to energy-efficient light bulbs like LEDs.


LED bulbs offer a higher overall efficiency, overcoming incandescent lights' shortcomings, such as their inability to work in cold conditions. LEDs also outlast incandescent lights, making up for their higher initial cost. LEDs are more durable than ordinary bulbs, and instead of burning out, they fade into darkness.


Switch to an Energy Saving Plan


One of the major advantages of switching to a flat-rate energy supply plan is that your cost will never fluctuate because of seasonal or monthly changes. For regular budgeting, know exactly how much you pay each month.


Use Smart Assistants


Smart home assistants may bring the entire house together in one user-friendly interface, allowing for seamless transitions and voice management of many devices. They include energy savings in the bundle, as well as comfort and convenience.

You can turn off your lights, air conditioning, television, and more with a single voice command! You can also program your blinds to recognize when it's sunny outside, so they open up on a cold winter day and your heating turns down to conserve electricity.


Replace Your Air Filters


Your HVAC system is one of several systems in your house that use filters. Not only will this save you money, but it will also help you avoid having to make costly air conditioning repairs.


According to a recent study, changing filthy filters regularly can lower household energy use by up to 15%. This is because clean filters are more efficient and reduce system strain.


Put Your Cellphone on Energy-Saving Mode


Put your phone in energy-saving mode to avoid having to charge it as often. Charging them regularly can be expensive and might harm the battery life of your phone.


Use Natural Light


Lighting consumes a large amount of energy, and reducing your energy usage by harnessing sunlight is a natural approach to do it. If possible, have north and south-facing windows rather than east and west-facing ones. This permits more glancing light to create heat while limiting intense light. While east and west-facing windows let in more direct sunshine, they don't let in as much heat.


Only Wash Full Loads of Laundry


Instead of washing your items in bits and pieces, gather them all at once and do an entire load of laundry. This helps you save energy by reducing the time you spend using your washing machine and dryer.


Build Your Sustainability Habits


You do not need to go out and buy energy-efficient equipment to minimize energy usage in your house and maximize your energy savings. Turning off lights and appliances when not in use is a simple way to conserve energy. You may also save energy by doing household duties by hand, such as hanging your clothes to dry instead of putting them in the dryer or hand-washing your dishes.

  The behavioral changes may provide the greatest potential for energy savings.  

These are simple yet excellent ways to conserve energy, regardless of your initial purpose. You may experience all the benefits of being energy efficient by simply taking a modest step toward living a more energy-conscious lifestyle.