All The Beginner-Friendly Philippine Mountains For Aspiring Hikers

Joanna Marie O. Santos
June 30, 2023

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Due to a number of factors, mountain hiking is frequently seen as a good adventurous choice. The first thing it offers is breathtaking beauty, such as beautiful landscapes and sweeping vistas. Second, it offers a physical challenge that pushes one's boundaries and raises fitness levels. Thirdly, it permits a close relationship with nature, which brings calm and tranquility. Mountain hiking also gives a sense of adventure and discovery, with special pathways and various ecosystems to explore. Additionally, it encourages social bonding, allows for seclusion and introspection, and bestows a great sense of accomplishment. Mountain hiking appeals to adventure seekers because of a combination of these elements.

What is Mountain Hiking? 

The action of walking or climbing in hilly areas is referred to as mountain hiking, mountain trekking, or mountaineering. It entails navigating various terrains, climbing steep slopes, and frequently reaching a mountain's top. For a secure and pleasurable experience, mountain hiking demands physical endurance, the right equipment, and navigational abilities.

What to do for Safety Hiking

It is crucial to take the following measures in order to secure your safety when hiking. Investigate the path before your trek and let someone know what you want to do. Before leaving the house, check the weather forecast and dress accordingly. Pack the essentials, such as a first aid kit, navigational aids, and enough food and drink. Keep yourself hydrated and fed when hiking. Avoid veering from the intended path by paying attention to trail markings and signage. Keep a safe distance from animals and be cautious around them. Reduce your influence on the environment by adhering to the principles of Leave No Trace. To increase safety and readiness, trek in groups whenever you can, and think about learning some fundamental wilderness skills. In this article, we will be discussing Hiking for Beginners, Hiking Essentials, what to bring during hiking, and different mountains that are good for hiking in the Philippines.

Mountain Hiking for Beginners

Here are some recommendations on how to get started safely if you're new to mountain hiking:

Hiking Essentials for Beginners

 According to Loop Me, here is the list of Hiking Essentials for Beginners:

Despite the fact that hiking is unavoidably hard, it's an excellent weekend activity to maintain your physical and mental well-being. now and then, it's fun to relax and get away from the concrete jungle. Start organizing your journey with buddies after learning about neighboring mountains.

Mountains that are Good for Hiking in the Philippines

There are several mountains in the Philippines that are well-known for mountaineering and trekking. According to Guide to the Philippines, here is the list that considers the following:

These are only a few mountains in the Philippines that provide distinctive hiking opportunities. There are many more. It's critical to thoroughly research and plan for each mountain, taking into account elements like difficulty, weather, and any required permits or guides.

Hiking as the Best Activity for Adventurous People

Mountain hiking frequently appeals to adventure seekers as the ideal pastime. Through hiking, they may get close to nature, discover new paths, navigate difficult terrain, take breathtaking views, and test their physical and mental boundaries. For individuals looking for exhilarating outdoor activities, it is the perfect option because it delivers a feeling of adventure, self-discovery, and the rush of scaling new heights.

Hiking safely is important to avoid mishaps, injuries, and potential crises and to guarantee a good and pleasurable outdoor experience.



What are the Differences Between Hiking, Trekking, and Mountaineering? - (n.d.).

California, C. S. P. S. O. (n.d.). Hiking Safety Tips. CA State Parks.

Hiking 101: 9 Must-Have Essentials for Beginners. (n.d.). LoopMe Philippines.

Muzones, G. (2023). 10 Best Mountains to Hike in the Philippines: Sea of Clouds, Beautiful Views, Bucket List Destinations. Guide to the Philippines.