Always...: 5 Important Lessons Learned from the Harry Potter Franchise

Content Editor
May 02, 2023

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"I am what I am an’ I’m not ashamed"
- Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


About 22 years ago, the Wizarding World of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter made its big-screen debut in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone–a story that lies in the magical world of witches, beasts, and wizards, which then became a staple in the world’s pop culture. Although the series has come to a conclusion over a decade ago, it is no secret how Rowling’s world instilled so many values and lessons to its viewers which still carry meaning until today. This May 2, accio party hats as we celebrate Harry Potter Day.  Let us revisit the magic, the adventures, and some of the integral lessons that we learned during its year-long time frame on the big screen. 


5 Important Lessons Learned from Harry Potter


Differences of Habit and Language Don’t Matter



Image from the Harry Potter Wiki



If you have been an avid Potterhead since day one, you’ll know how diverse and inclusive the selection of characters are, leaving us an important lesson on how we can reduce prejudice by being empathetic towards people whose background and experience are different from us. In one of the scenes of Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, we can recall how Dumbledore gathered the students of three schools and said, “differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open,” asking them to come together as one despite the differences and face the trouble together that lies ahead. 


Bravery Comes in Many Forms



Image from CharacTour


 As magical as Harry Potter is, it is evident how some of the characters have shown bravery in different forms–just like the moment when Harry tried to look for the Horcruxes, or by his willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Bravery happens when one is willing to overcome fears or  when they are firm in their stance and do what they believe is right in face of consequences. You see, there are many facets of bravery shown in this Harry Potter movie and there’s definitely more once you’ve finished all of them.


Face Your Fears



Image from CinemaBlend


 Growth transpires when you face your fears. In Hogwarts, no magic can conquer fear, and it is only the person’s attitude facing their fear that can stop it. It is a must for any wizards to be confident enough to fight their fears first in order for them to cast their spell. This method does not only apply to Harry, but as well as the other characters in the movie. 


Having a Good Mentor Important



Image from Wizarding World



Hogwarts has many terrific mentors that exert so much effort and time to protect their students’ welfare and safety and provide for their needs. Without having a good mentor, no wizard can fully achieve their potential because it is them who help the students to discover the magic in the wizarding world. Not only this, a good mentor supports one’s growth, confidence, and prepares students to face the world, independently. 


Choose Your Friends Wisely


Image from BuzzFrag


Harry decided to follow his gut when choosing his friends, rather than following what Draco Malfoy advised him to do. This decision was actually one of the best decisions he made because those loyal friends he chose remained and stayed by his side from the start all the way to the final battle. 

We may not have wands (in the real world), but it is the written story of Harry Potter that keeps us believing in magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. We hope that recalling some of the lessons that this iconic fantasy series gave us also brings you the magic to live on, until the very end.